Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Jamaica, Jamaica

I would really like to go into Rastafari's land and learn much more about their religion, way of life and customs. Jamaica is one of the islands located in the Grater Antilles near Cuba in the Caribean sea reason why is very visited by foreign tourist that goes there to find peace and good beaches. If I got the luck of travel there I'll visit the home town of Bob Marley (Nine Town) and everything that rounds his life and The Wailers history, but also I won't loose thoose splendids beaches. There I will buy some vinil disc with real reggae roots, books with stories from the island.

There is known that exist another part of Jamaica and that is the poor part where lives only black people decendent from the african slaves brought by the english to the island.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Knowing someone

Well there is a lot of people that I would like to meet but all of them for the same good reasons, this is a small list of them: Bob Marley, John Lennon, Ernesto Guevara, Jimi Hendrix, Gandhi, and a lot of others "celebrities". Well the first one (Marley) is like an idol for me because what he represents, for what he express in his songs and in his way of life. Just to listen to what he can say and express about important themes like social injustice, discrimination against black people, the rastafari living style, and others. Maybe I'll accept to smoke a marihuana joint with him, that he like a lot.

Also known what Che Guevara thougt about the revolution and the projects that he had for Latin America if the revolution would won. There are also historical celebrities like Lautaro or the Inca's chiefs that would be very interesting to meet and to known they way to see th world.

Finally there is a list of other people that would be very funny, like A.Einstein, A.Hitler, Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan-----well there is many people that i would like to know.

Post by JahMax-ó.

The pictures are of: Marley & Jagger, Lennon (if he was still alive), and Albert Hoffman (acid creator's)

A nice place to go for summer

I went to Nacional Park “Pan de azucar” in the summer of 2004 with two friends that i know since I was 3 years old (Mono and Milodon). The place is really beautiful and calm, it’s near the city of Chañaral in the north of the country. The beaches are really good to have a lot of fun with friends, make some sports, have good conversation, and even take a few drinks. This place is very atractive for young people to go there and get crazy, but you must take your own tent and food because it's far away from the civilization. (there you can eat very good pattys). There we found a lot of known people from Santiago so we did great partys, and also good football matches.

But there is another place, that i haven't visited yet but i'm going there this summer, that i like and i'm hungrily to go there; this place is....... The island of Juan Fernandez that is an archipelago in the Pacific ocean with grats beaches and far away from the civilization that we known.
See some pictures of this places.
See U all!

A view of Pan de azucar National Park.

A nice view of the archipelago, with his rich flora.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Free post

I'm gonna make this post about a "youtube" video that show me Professor Simon, and it's about reggae. In the link below you can see a reunion of greatest artist playing a Bob Marley song (Get up, Stan up); you can see Dennis Brown, Sly & Robbie, Askwad, Ini Kamoze, and Steel Pulse the last one is one of my favourite's reggae group. I don't play any instrument but i really love the music, i try to ear it an to feel what the musiciens are trying to express.

More than an English Blog this one looks like a Reggae Blog, but at the moment it's what I like.

Now i've got to leave beacuase i've got a foot match but this post will be continued....

....so you just have to wait a couple of hours.
This picture is of Steel Pulse a great reggae group, they are funny don't you think? because of the hair maybe, jajajajaja. Let's listen some good music!!
Reggaes Rocks!!(wajajaja)


I could not do my footprint level, it gave me 0,14 or something like that.....i try to do it more that one time but it didn't work.
So i'll try to do it again but it wasn't funny to me, maybe a little boring, but interesting.
However i can say a couple of things that, not only me, but everyone can do:
1.- It's important to try to save energy by keeping the fridge closed or disconnect the celular's charge when it's already charged.
2.- An most important is that we have to start using "transantiago" or our bicycles to move all around the city and stop using a personal car.
There is a lot of things that we can do, like to recycle and others things.
I'm going and i don't like this post, See yaa

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Album cover, or pieces of art.

This is the album cover from Bob Marley and The Wailers’ disc called Uprising wish was published in 1980 by Tuff Gong records. Here we can see a draw of Marley coming out from the earth at the same time that the sun is uprising from the mountains, and where his drealocks became tree roots, or something like it. It is known that He is one of my favourite musicians and this is a grat disc; the image of this man uprising from the earth is what Marley wanted to comunicate all over the World, that the all time represed black people was aweaking and standing against the white people and their social injustices. I saw it for the first time on the Internet but then when I travel to Spain I’ve got the chance to buy the vinil but it was too expensive so I Start looking for it in all the shops until I found it and I bought it. The most common feeling, but not the only one, that I feel when I see it is a lot of joy and hapiness for the music that contains and the ideas that it represent. I let you two others Marley’s albums cover that I also like a lot; Confrontation and Babilon by bus.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My hardest choice (joke)

I decided to study geography because, because, because, mmmmm…..well it’s beeter to say that i didn’t know what i like to study, it was between History, Gym, Gastronomy or the exotic career of geography that had a little bit of many things. The first thing I wanted to have in the university was good friends, good classmates, and to be surround by a group of nice people, so that was the reason why i wanted to be in “La Chile” because it got a lot of different people, from different places, and with many kind of thoughts.
When i realise that i wasn’t selected in History i took my chances into geography, and now i can say that it was a very good option, maybe i’m not so motivate like others classmates but i like it. At the same time i want to study others things, and learn much more about themes like pictures (photographie), sports, or even about cooking that i like a lot, so this is just a part of my studies, I hope.
Pace for all!
Jah bless