Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Knowing someone

Well there is a lot of people that I would like to meet but all of them for the same good reasons, this is a small list of them: Bob Marley, John Lennon, Ernesto Guevara, Jimi Hendrix, Gandhi, and a lot of others "celebrities". Well the first one (Marley) is like an idol for me because what he represents, for what he express in his songs and in his way of life. Just to listen to what he can say and express about important themes like social injustice, discrimination against black people, the rastafari living style, and others. Maybe I'll accept to smoke a marihuana joint with him, that he like a lot.

Also known what Che Guevara thougt about the revolution and the projects that he had for Latin America if the revolution would won. There are also historical celebrities like Lautaro or the Inca's chiefs that would be very interesting to meet and to known they way to see th world.

Finally there is a list of other people that would be very funny, like A.Einstein, A.Hitler, Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan-----well there is many people that i would like to know.

Post by JahMax-รณ.

The pictures are of: Marley & Jagger, Lennon (if he was still alive), and Albert Hoffman (acid creator's)

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